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School Trip to Petra
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Petra01 On the plane to Petra. Petra02 The first view from above. Petra03 The ACS Air Force. Petra04 Puggin Murphy riding through town on the way to Petra. Petra04a The first ruins we saw. Petra05 In the Siq.  This narrow route protected Petra for centuries. Petra05e Emerging from the Siq into the valley. Petra05f The amphitheater showing the projection booths. Petra05g In to the valley of Petra. Petra06 Dinner time!  The food was much better then at school. Petra07 Evening in Petra.  Craig Miller (?) gazing wistfully at LJ McCarthy.  Larry Fitzhugh just gazing. Petra08 Boys dormitory.  Jack Sommer, John Ference, Mike Woodruff, and John Woods. Petra09 John Woods trapped in a cave by Amazons! Petra10 Kathy McCormick and LJ McCarthy clambering over the rocks. Petra13 Amazing rock colors in Petra. Petra30 An example of ancient architecture. Petra31 They use this as a shelter for goats, now. Petra32 Another elaborately carved edifice. Petra33 Hidden ruins. Petra80 A Virgin to be Sacrificed (Lynn Hartley). Petra81 Dancing Girls Celebrating the Sacrifice. Petra90 John Woods in the door of the treasury.